Ko Olina and Aulani Reservation Form

Ko Olina & Aulani Reservation Form
If you are booking transportation service within 48 hours, please email or call us at 808-524-5466 to check for availability and do not use the form below.  Thank you!

Please re-enter email address for confirmation

Arrival Information:

If booking for a departure only, you may leave this section blank.

Type of Vehicle
These prices apply to private transfers between the Airport and Waikiki/Pier.
Arrival Time
Please enter the name of the person to be picked up.
Please enter the mobile number of the person to be picked up.
Please specify number of adults and number of children with their ages.
We account for 1 check-in bag and 1 carry-on per person. Overages will cause a change in vehicle so please let us know in advance.
Additional Arrival Request
Type of Vehicle for 2nd Arrival
These prices apply to private transfers between the Airport and Waikiki/Pier.
2nd Arrival Time
Please enter the name of the person to be picked up.
Please enter the mobile number of the person to be picked up.
Please specify number of adults and number of children with their ages.
We account for 1 check-in bag and 1 carry-on per person. Overages will cause a change in vehicle so please let us know in advance.

Please list any additional stops, transfers, and tours here.


Departure Information:

If booking for an arrival only, you may leave this section blank.

Type of Vehicle
These prices apply to private transfers between the Airport and Waikiki/Pier.
Flight Departure Time
Pickup Time
Please enter the name of the person to be picked up.
Please enter the mobile number of the person to be picked up.
Please specify number of adults and number of children with their ages.
We account for 1 check-in bag and 1 carry-on per person. Overages will cause a change in vehicle so please let us know in advance.
Additional Departure Request
Type of Vehicle for 2nd Departure
These prices apply to private transfers between the Airport and Waikiki/Pier.
2nd Departure Time
2nd Departure Pickup Time
Please enter the name of the person to be picked up.
Please enter the mobile number of the person to be picked up.
Please specify number of adults and number of children with their ages.
We account for 1 check-in bag and 1 carry-on per person. Overages will cause a change in vehicle so please let us know in advance.

Payment Method

Payment Method *
Extra fee (USD)
Total cost of leis
Cost of selected vehicle
Please include cost of selected vehicle, leis, car seats, and any early/late fees.